
NGC 7354 (2013)

Again, I used data from the WF chips in combination with the PC chip data in order to create a slightly more complete view of a nebula. As usual, I’d still like if it were not cut off on the side, but you learn to take what you can get. :)

Red: hst_07501_09_wfpc2_f658n_pc_sci + hst_07501_09_wfpc2_f658n_wf_sci
Green: hst_07501_09_wfpc2_f555w_pc_sci + hst_07501_09_wfpc2_f555w_wf_sci
Blue: hst_08773_08_wfpc2_f502n_pc_sci + hst_07501_09_wfpc2_f502n_pc_sci + hst_08773_08_wfpc2_f502n_wf_sci

North is NOT up, it’s 8.7° counter-clockwise from up

Copyright information:
Hubble data is public domain, but I put a lot of work into combining it into beautiful color images. The minimal credit line should read: NASA / ESA / J. Schmidt

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.