
Jonckheere 900 (2013)

Information on this nebula and how it can be mistaken for a double star is here. I reduced the glare from the star it gets confused with. I’d prefer the focus to be on the nebula itself rather than the relatively bright nearby star.

Red: hst_08773_09_wfpc2_f658n_pc_sci
Green: hst_07501_11_wfpc2_f555w_pc_sci
Blue: hst_08773_09_wfpc2_f502n_pc_sci

North is NOT up

Copyright information:
Hubble data is public domain, but I put a lot of work into combining it into beautiful color images. The minimal credit line should read: NASA / ESA / J. Schmidt

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.